Principals of First Grade colleges
Principals of Professional Colleges
Teachers of each subject of study
Full Time PG Students
Teachers of subjects of study of Econometrics and Aquaculture and Fishery Microbiology
Revised Election Notification dated 08.05.2024
Press Release dated 08.05.2024
Counting of votes of Academic Council Election Postponed-Press Release dated 02.04.2024
Press Release dated 15.03.2024
Revised Election Schedule Notification dated 15.03.2024
Academic Council Election Postponed-Press Release dated 20.01.2024
Declaration of transferred voter
Ballot Paper Account
ID Forms- Students
ID Forms-Teachers
Letter of Intimation
Revised Election Schedule Notification dated 05.01.2024
Press Release dated 05.01.2024
Final List of Candidates validly nominated for the constituency of Full Time Postgraduate Students to elect one member from among themselves representing each faculty
Final List of Candidates validly nominated for the constituency of Teachers of each Subject of Study
Final List of Candidates validly nominated for the constituency of Principals of First Grade Colleges other than Oriental Languages
Final List of Candidates validly nominated for the constituency of Principals of Professional Colleges
List of validly nominated Candidates for the constituency of Full Time Postgraduate Students to elect one member from among themselves representing each faculty
List of validly nominated Candidates for the constituency of Teachers of each Subject of Study
List of validly nominated Candidates for the constituency of Principals of First Grade Colleges other than Oriental Languages
List of validly nominated Candidates for the constituency of Principals of Professional Colleges
Addition of Sri. SHIBILI K to the Final Electoral Roll of Teachers of the Subject of Study MBA/Business Administration published on 01.12.2023 in the light of interim direction in WP(C) No. 41370/2023 dated 13.12.2023 of Hon'ble High Court of Kerala
Press Release dated 02.12.2023 -publication of Final Electoral Rolls and Election schedule Notification-reg
Election Schedule Notification dated 01.12.2023
Final Electoral Rolls of the teachers of the subject of study from among the teachers of that subject
Final Electoral Roll of the Principals of First Grade Colleges other than colleges of Oriental Languages
Final Electoral Roll of Principals of Professional Colleges
Final Electoral Roll of Full Time Postgraduate Students to elect one member from among themselves representing each faculty
Letter to Principals/HoDs dated 31.10.2023-publication of electoral roll of Full time PG Students - correction, addition etc-reg
Electoral Roll of Full Time Post Graduate Students to elect one member from among themselves representing each faculty